And here we are at the final step of creating a Project and outsourcing it to your favorite Colleague (in our case Günter "Reliable Translator" Grass)


- you need to have Project Group, Project set up, Client numbers set up, and picked a Vendor for your task. 

Lo and behold. There is a nice (green, again) icon on the Vendor Table, kind of like looks like a paper plane - right next to the number 60 near the end of the screenshot: 

(btw. that number is just an ID nothing else, so let's not spend too much time on dwelling on it) 

Once you click the Paper Plane, the mail sending options window will pop-up and it looks like this: 

Yes I know there are typos. Get over it. See beyond it. Use your imagination. And forgive me :) 

Hey, wait, there is more to that mail: 

If you are unhappy with your mail, you can change it (if you are VERY unhappy, you should change the e-mail template, but that's another story) and add what you want, delete what you need to, etc. 

Once you are satisfied with the outlook, click on the blue (I know, I promise, will change it to green) button that says SAVE (and yes, I know, it should say SEND)

And the mail will be sent to your colleague (in the beginning it would be best if you also sent a CC to yourself, or at least to an alias that is monitored in your company - this can be set up in settings) 

Once the mail is sent, your colleague will get it in their inbox, and it will look just like this (note that the mail is cropped): 

Ok fair question: Can I send attachments? YES, you can. 

And how to do that will be shown in another article.